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FAQ Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Gynecomastia is a physical condition from which almost 50 to 65% of males suffer around the world. In this condition, males have significantly enlarged breasts causing embarrassment and low self-esteem for them. It can cause emotional discomfort as well. Gynecomastia can occur on one or both sides of the chest. Some people who are overweight appear to have Gynecomastia, without actually having the condition.

There are two options of surgical procedure for male breast reduction (Gynecomastia).

First one is liposuction: - This technique is used to remove excess fatty tissues under local or general anesthesia. It involves a small incision on each side of the chest. Incision may be located along the edge of the areola or within the armpit. In this technique a cannula (a thin tube) is inserted through incisions and it is moved back and forth in a controlled motion to loosen the excess fat and then it is removed with the help of a vacuum suction.

Second option is Excision: - This surgical technique is opted in more severe cases. The excess glandular tissue and skin is removed that cannot be treated successfully with liposuction. Excision is required while reducing the areola and repositioning the nipples to achieve the more natural male contour. Incisions may vary according to the condition and preferences.

The fundamental cause of this condition is an imbalance between estrogen, testosterone and androgen hormones. Estrogen is the hormone that makes breast tissues grow, while testosterone stops estrogen from making breast tissue grow. Testosterone is typically higher in males and estrogen is higher in females. When men’s bodies produce too much estrogen or less testosterone then they may have large breasts.

An adult whose weight is stabilized and whose breast growth is stabilized and bothersome can undergo the surgery. Adding to it, a patient must be a non-smoker for a specific period of time.

Gynecomastia is highly safe surgery. It has minimum to zero complications. You may experience some pain, bruising, numbness, scars after the surgery. You may also bleed and have infection. In rare cases, people may have loss of nipple skin and asymmetries.

The recovery period after male breast reduction surgery is not as long as other surgeries have. Patients who only need liposuction to correct their enlarged male breasts, can return to exercise and work after a period of less than one week. For patients who need surgical removal of the excess breast tissue, it can take between two to four weeks to heal enough to tolerate routine activities.

A patient can easily avoid the after-effects by following the doctor’s instructions and gain a healthy speedy recovery. Your diet plan must be from liquid to semi-solid and then solid diet. You must avoid junk food and processed food. You must avoid medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen as these can raise the complications instead you can take multivitamins tablets. You must not do any strenuous activity during your recovery period to avoid the chances of risks. The more rest, the better your surgical recovery.

There are quite less chances of failure. Its success rate is 92.6%.

A person should be at least 18 years old to undergo this surgery but in some cases patient can go for surgery before this age also

The results of Gynecomastia surgery are permanent. Taking care of yourself with diet and exercise will help sustain the results achieved.

It can appear at any age during childhood, during puberty or even at an older age.

The recovery time required for Gynecomastia surgery is 4 to 6 weeks, obviously depending on the recovery pace and your health condition. Surgeons usually recommend the first two or three days of total rest so that the healing process does not get disrupted. After this specific period of time you can resume your daily activities.

You may be asked for lab tests or medical evaluation for the preparation of the surgery. You will be asked to stop smoking and take certain medications. You will be expected to stop consuming herbal supplements as they increase bleeding.

You start doing exercise after two months. You must avoid doing any kind of strenuous activity at least for a month.